Come shop the Christmas Stroll Marketplace!
November 30, 2012
Nantucket Community Sailing, along with many other Island non-profits, will be at the Christmas Stroll
Marketplace on Saturday December 1, 2012 from 10:00am - 3:00pm.
The NCS booth will feature:
· A free raffle for a decoupage Nantucket Basket
· Nantucket Community Sailing and Nantucket Race Week merchandise for sale
· Gary Jobson's newest book - Nantucket: A Sailing Community
· 2013 Jetties Sailing Center memberships - at the 2012 prices!
Come support NCS, shop for the holidays and consider giving the Gift of Sailing!
All donations and proceeds made from merchandise sales during the
Christmas Stroll Marketplace will go towards the NCS scholarship fund.