NCS Program Updates - Post Feb. 1 Launch
February 10, 2014
February 10, 2014
Dear Friends,
Nantucket Community Sailing was greatly encouraged by the tremendous interest in our programs as we launched program registration on February 1, 2014. We consider it a step towards meeting our mission of reaching out to the Nantucket Community and getting them excited about the sport of Sailing, and are very grateful for the support.
While the launch has left us looking forward to the season ahead, we are aware that many of our beginner sailing programs filled almost immediately. We understand that this is frustrating for many registrants and we sympathize with that sentiment. We hate the thought of any sailor being left onshore.
With that said, we want to encourage you to add your sailor's name to our wait-list(s). We know being on a wait-list can seem discouraging, but we would like to stress that we actively manage these lists all spring and straight into the summer months. In the past we have seen significant movement on many of these lists as families' plans evolve leading into the summer season. While we cannot promise a spot will clear, we can promise that if one does clear we will be quick to notify you!
Please also know that after each season NCS reviews our current programs and makes every effort to move into the next summer season offering as many opportunities to get our sailors out on the water as possible. It can be a fine line balancing our desire to reach as many sailors as possible, working within our current infrastructure (staffing, housing and financial limitations), and working within the constraints of our sites. It is very important to NCS that we offer only a volume of programs that doesn’t overwhelm any individual site, its resources, neighbors and the public trying to access the site alongside us. It is our goal to be good neighbors.
If you tried to register and found yourself on a wait-list or were deterred by the wait-list and are still wondering if there is another way to get involved with NCS, please give our main office a call at 508.228.6600. Myself, or Rebecca Gray, would be happy to work with you to get creative and find a way to get your sailor(s) out on the water. While there are many programs that have filled, we still have many others that are still available!
We thank you for your patience, support and, once again, your interest in our programming. We look forward to this summer and will aim to make every effort to accommodate as many sailors as possible. Our goal is to get your sailor on the water!
Amanda Furtado
Nantucket Community Sailing
Communications Manager