IMPORTANT! 2015 NCS Program Registration Opens Sunday, February 1st at 11am
January 30, 2015
Dear NCS Parents, Sailors, & Friends,
This is a reminder that the 2015 NCS program registration will be going live for ALL REGISTRANTS on Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 11:00am EST.
If you haven’t yet, please visit the NCS website to view all of the programs that we are offering for the 2015 summer season as well as their corresponding schedules. Prior to our registration go-live date, we suggest that you visit our Program Registration page to create your account on our new registration platform. This is required for ALL families even if you have registered with us before.
In an effort to make it easier for you, a direct link to register your sailor(s) will be active on the Program Registration page at 11am on Sunday, the 1st. Keep an eye out for the REGISTER NOW button that you will click on to begin your 2015 registration!
Below is a list of links that we think might be helpful as you prep for Sunday’s launch at 11:00AM EST.
NCS Carpooling & Polpis Van Service
We are looking forward to the warmer days ahead and are so excited to see new and returning sailors out on the water this summer!
- Your Friends at NCS