WASZP Hydrofoiling on Nantucket! Bzzzzzz
June 25, 2018
Hydrofoiling Lessons with Nantucket Community Sailing
Book through July 5th and receive $100 OFF a foiling lesson! DO NOT MISS THIS!
Fly over Nantucket Harbor on the foiling Waszp and hear the buzz! We're now offering foiling lessons to athletic, advanced sailors looking for a new experience. The Waszp is a one-design, single-handed foiling boat intended for 8-10+ kts of breeze. Lessons will be hands-on, focusing on balance, boat-handling, apparent wind, fitness, and other advanced and high-speed sailing skills and techniques. Lessons may be purchased for individual instruction (private) or for up to two qualified people (semi-private, where sailors will switch on and off). Sailors must have a required level of dinghy sailing experience and must be fit enough for this style of sailing. Lessons are subject to approval by the NCS Program Director.
$510 for 3-hr private lesson
$690 for 3-hr semi-private lesson
15% discount for GHYC members, who are participating in the lesson
$438/private and $588/semi-private
Lesson slots
9:30am - 12:30pm
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Monday - Friday. Saturday and Sunday may be available by request.
July 3, 16, 23, 30
August 6,13, 20
Please call or email the NCS Program Director, Emily Taylor, to request a booking:
508-228-6600 (Office) or