Let's Stay Connected!
April 15, 2020
Let's Stay Connected!
Dear Friends,
We miss you! While we are sheltering in place, we are feeling nostalgic for warm summer days and all our NCS friends. As we began looking through some old NCS photos our spirits were immediately lifted. We were reminded that Community Sailing is about more than simply being on the water. It's about the strong bonds we make in our classes with our instructors and our fellow sailors. It's about teamwork, camaraderie and friendships that last a lifetime. We know that NCS would not be here today if it weren't for you and we are so grateful for you.
We've created a slideshow using photos and videos from our collection, to share with you. We are asking you to send us your favorite Nantucket sailing video clips or photos, so that we can continue to create and share these fun slideshows with you, until things go back to normal. You may email your selections to ncs@nantucketsailing,org with the subject line: NCS Stay Connected. We will be creating slideshows as content comes in and will post them on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Together we will get through this and be back on the water in no time!
Fair winds,
NCS Staff