2021 Summer Programming Announcement
January 15, 2021
Dear NCS Families,
NCS would like to wish you a Happy New Year and remind you that summer registration is right around the corner! Please mark your calendar with our registration dates below:
Monday, January 25, 2021: 12pm EST - 2021 Early Program Registration will open for Island-Resident Families AND Families with 'Rollover Funds' from 2020 on our Active Network Camps and Class Manager Platform.* Island Residents should have received an email with scholarship information. If not, scholarships forms and information can be found on our website.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021: 4pm EST - 2021 Early Program Registration will close.
Monday, February 1, 2021: 12pm EST - 2021 Program Registration will open to the general public.
Monday, February 8, 2021: 12pm EST - Online booking for 2021 private sailing lessons at our Jetties Sailing Center will open on our website. Jetties Sailing Center memberships are also available for purchase. Bookings for rentals by the hour will open on June 1st.
*If you rolled 2020 funds over to 2021, and register during Early Program Registration, no payment will be due at registration. 2020 Funds Held, and scholarships (for Island Residents), will be applied following Early Registration. An email with any remaining balance will then be sent to you. If you rolled 2020 funds over to 2021, and register on or after February 1st, full payment will be due at registration and a refund will be issued for any rollover funds.
Sailor Placement: Before the opening of registration, sailors who have been promoted or recommended for a different class will receive an email from Assistant Program Director, Emily Aswad. These recommendations are based on a variety of factors including a sailor's age and evaluation from the previous season. Sailors are often encouraged to take the same class for multiple seasons, so if your family does not receive an email, you are encouraged to register for the same class your sailor took last year. Our progression chart can also be used as a resource to determine an appropriate placement for a brand new sailor. If you still aren't sure, or have questions please email us at or call the NCS office at 508-228-6600 prior to registration. Please note, although our office is closed to the public, we will be available to answer phone/email questions Monday-Friday 10am-4pm.
Which Programs are Opening on Jan. 25/Feb 1? We plan to open majority of programs and run over 8 weeks (single-week sessions). Some programs have been changed and class sizes have been adjusted. Our goal is to once again accommodate as many students as possible, while abiding by Local, State and Federal Guidelines, as well as our own ability to keep our students and staff members safe. We feel encouraged by our successes this past summer and we appreciate your patience as we plan for the summer season. We will continue to communicate with you regularly about the summer so you will know when to expect.
If you need a refresher on the classes we offer, please visit the Class Descriptions page on the NCS website, as some classes have changed.
Do you or your sailor need some new gear at BARGAIN prices? Check out our online store and save tons on clothing and accessories!
Follow us on Social Media for quick access to announcements regarding registration, class openings and more! We are on Instagram (@nantucketcommunitysailing) and Facebook.
We are looking forward to seeing your sailor(s) back on the water this summer!