Email Archive
Nantucket Community Sailing
May 13, 2011
Dear Friends,
The 2011 Nantucket Race Week begins on Saturday, August 13th, with racing and social events through Sunday, August 21st. Race Week is hosted by Nantucket Yacht Club and Great Harbor Yacht Club to benefit Nantucket Community Sailing (NCS), and is the primary fund-raising event of the year for Nantucket Community Sailing. Nantucket Community Sailing is proud to be recognized by US Sailing as the Outstanding Seasonal Community Sailing Program in the United States.
As you may know, NCS offers housing to approximately 45 visiting guests during Race Week, especially those who are donating their time and expertise to help us put on a professional and fun-filled week. This is a great opportunity for you to get to know some of the top sailing professionals in the country. These guests include:
- race officials and their spouses;
- professional sailors participating in the IOD Pro Am Regatta and their spouses;
- off-island amateur teams; and
- other VIP guests, such as our off-island video production team.
We are writing to you because you are a supporter of Nantucket Community Sailing and/or you have provided housing for participants in prior years. We hope that you will consider helping NCS provide housing this August, or, if you are not able to offer housing this year, you may be willing to consider doing so in the future.
We realize that August is a busy time on Nantucket for families and guests and that you may be making summer plans soon. We are requesting a spare bedroom or cottage that can accommodate one or two people, either in town or with vehicle access to town. Our greatest need for accommodations is Wednesday, August 17th through Saturday, August 20th, although some guests may have slightly different stays due to their responsibilities during Race Week. While it would be nice if you could provide a light breakfast for the guests, you don't have to worry about their lunches and dinners. We will invite the guests to social events every evening. As a thank you to our host families, all hosts will receive a great goodie bag and an invitation to a special reception with the Pro Sailors and Race Officials on Thursday, August 18th.
Please reply to this email and let us know if:
- Yes! - You are willing to provide housing for our guests this year.
- Not in 2011, but maybe in the future - You are not able to provide housing this year, but may consider providing housing during future Nantucket Race Weeks.
- No - You are not interested in providing housing this year or in future years. We will try not to bother you about this again.
Please confirm whether this is email going to your current "best" email address and provide any current phone contact(s) that you may like us to have.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
The Nantucket Community Sailing Team