Email Archive
NCS Newsletter
April 1, 2015
Hot Off the Press! Our newest NCS Newsletter is in! Click here to read the latest happenings at NCS: NHS Whalers Sailing Team Sets Sail Zodiac Tender for Sale Seeking...
April 1, 2015
Hot Off the Press! Our newest NCS Newsletter is in! Click here to read the latest happenings at NCS: NHS Whalers Sailing Team Sets Sail Zodiac Tender for Sale Seeking...

2014 Nantucket Race Week & Opera House Cup
May 8, 2014
Click the letter to have a direct link to NRW & OHC registration.
May 8, 2014
Click the letter to have a direct link to NRW & OHC registration.

NCS Program Update - Post Feb. 1st Launch
February 10, 2014
February 10, 2014 Dear Friends,Nantucket Community Sailing was greatly encouraged by the tremendous interest in our programs as we launched program registration on February 1,...
February 10, 2014
February 10, 2014 Dear Friends,Nantucket Community Sailing was greatly encouraged by the tremendous interest in our programs as we launched program registration on February 1,...

2014 Program Registration Opens February 1st @ 11AM EST
January 31, 2014
Below are a list of links that we think might be helpful as you prep for tomorrow's launch at 11:00AM EST. A letter from the NCS President Carpooling & Busing with NCS A...
January 31, 2014
Below are a list of links that we think might be helpful as you prep for tomorrow's launch at 11:00AM EST. A letter from the NCS President Carpooling & Busing with NCS A...

News Archive